Who is responsible for the Osetia war? Who should be treated as a criminal and who should be blamed for everything? My own vision is not what everyone tells on TV. I was watching both Russian News and European.
Russians sustained that Georgia sent their armed forces over civils, and the only solution was to respond to that. As long as Russia keeps its "peaceful forces" on a territory it has the right to do that. Ok, Russia sustains that Georgian forces were just killing common people from the start, and what Russia was "obliged" to do is just stop the intervention and save the people.
Russian news were saying that there were killed over
2000 citizens by the Georgian forces, and the European news were talking only about
200 killed by accident.In my opinion
Saakashvili did one thing wrong, he made the first noticeable step - introduced the forces. But I remember that Russia was provoking it for about two months for sure. Russia was easily sending airplanes through the territory of Georgia with no permission. There were several unpleasant provoking situations. Which was normal to wait for a response from a country which is actively sustained by USA.
I am not saying that Saakashvili did the right thing. I agree that there died a lot of people which is bad and may be considered as genocide. But I don't want to analyze the whole situation from that point of view as Russians do. They try to take your attention from the global aspect of the problem.
Russia always had imperialistic views on everything, every weak country which is nearby. What Russian did for the last 18 years in both Osetia and Transnistria was violating the sovereignty of Georgia and Moldova.
As a proof to that is the thing that Russia was always against the replacement of its peace keeping forces, with the peace keeping forcing offered by UN. The both wars in these regions in early 90's wouldn't simply take place. The tanks would move to the main town, take the parliament, arrest the criminals and that's it. Normally those that would try to opposite to that would be killed. There wouldn't be so many people killed. Russia was never fighting for saving the lives of common people, or for independence of those territories, because that way they would not need Russia's help anymore.
Russia always wanted to keep its influence in those territories by maintaining the armed forces.
So the same thing would happen in Osetia too, if Russia would say "ok guys, this is your territory, and we agree with you, just take it, we are leaving". There would be no war. Georgians would simply
arrest the separatist government of Osetia and reestablish the sovereignty of their country.
I say Russia is to blame, if judging from the perspective of all those years, of everything they did, of their politic in general.
Russia is the one who started the cold war II.